It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device. It seems that this page does not have an AMP version. If you are a publisher, you should think about creating Accelerated Mobile Pages, which is an easy way to make your pages load instantly on any mobile device

Bước vào tiệm hớt tóc nam băn khoăn không biết chọn kiểu tóc nào cho phù hợp với mình, sau một hồi đắn đo suy nghĩ và tư vấn không thành của thợ thì các bạn đã quyết định là chọn đại một kiểu tóc cắt cho xong rồi về… Kết quả là rất ngại để mọi người nhìn thấy quả đầu mới gọt của mình và dần chán nản với việc đi cắt tóc.

Để giải quyết vấn đề nan giải về chọn kiểu tóc nam phù hợp với gương mặt của mình thì các bạn phải biết khuôn mặt mình là dạng khuôn mặt gì sau đó mới có thể lựa chọn được kiểu tóc phù hợp.

Dưới đây là 7 kiểu khuôn mặt nam phổ biến nhất:

  • Bạn cần chọn Kieu toc nam dep cân đối, những kiểu tóc cổ điển.
  • Các kiểu tóc phù hợp: kiểu hất sang 1 bên trán, undercut, kiểu vuốt ngược ra đằng sau, kiểu chia 2 bên tóc: 7/3, 5/5, 8/2.

  • Nên chọn kiểu tóc phồng, kiểu tóc làm mềm mại các góc cạnh ở khuôn mặt.
  • Các kiểu tóc phù hợp: kiểu chim ưng, tóc rối hất sang một bên trán, kiểu mái ngang, kiểu pompadour.

  • Bạn cần lựa chọn kiểu tóc dài và phồng ở phần trên, để tóc mọc ở đằng sau gáy và 2 bên.
  • Các kiểu tóc nam hợp khuôn mặt: kiểu vuốt ngược ra sau, hất nghiêng, kiểu vát chéo một bên.
  • Để tóc phủ trán để tạo độ phồng và góc cạnh.
  • Các kiểu tóc phù hợp: kiểu Caesar, kiểu undercut vuốt ngược ra sau, kiểu ngắn dựng hay chia 2 bên tóc.
  • Nên chọn kiểu tóc: có độ phồng, tóc ôm sát ở 2 bên và đằng sau.
  • Các kiểu tóc phù hợp: Kiểu vuốt nhọn, kiểu undercut vuốt ngược ra sau, kiểu búi tóc.

  • Nên chọn kiểu tóc: chọn kiểu tóc ôm ở 2 bên và đằng sau, nên chọn kiểu undercut, chọn kiểu tóc nhiều tầng.
  • Các kiểu tóc nam phù hợp khuôn mặt: Kiểu vuốt dựng lệch có độ rủ, kiểu vuốt dựng lệch sang 1 bên, kiểu cắt sát chân tóc.
  • Nên chọn kiểu tóc: chọn kiểu tóc dài và phồng ở phần trên, chọn kiểu tóc lộ trán.
  • Các kiểu tóc phù hợp: kiểu hất lệch sang 1 bên, kiểu hất chéo sang 1 bên trán, kiểu dài đến gáy.